Ei Mei Kan

Aikido and Dojo

The practice at Ei Mei Kan is traditional Aikido, which traces its lineage by direct personal transmission from the Founder of the Art, through his apprenctice and personal student T.K. Chiba, 8th Dan Shihan, to the Chief Instructor of Ei Mei Kan, Chris Mooney, 7th Dan Shihan.

Martial arts training reaches far beyond the dojo. Now, in swordsmanship, three things are necessary in order to triumph in any encounter: timing, distance and the centre-line. My question to all martial artists is, in the broader picture of our society, how is our timing? - Christopher Mooney Shihan

We are based in Longbridge, Birmingham and are proud to host members and visitors from around the world including Kazakhstan, Turkemenistan, Isreal, Australia, and many European countries. We welcome newcommers year round, beliveing firmly that Aikido benefits the health and fitness of induviduals of all ages and backgrounds. Come visit soon.

November - 2006

A Warm Send-Off

by Tim Sullivan